Your First Visit Experience at Momentum Health

Personalized Care Tailored to Your Health Journey

Welcome to Momentum Health, where we envision a community that embraces an integrative team of practitioners as integral members of their healthcare team. Our practitioners are dedicated to ensuring that your body functions at its peak potential. Unlike the routine weekly treatments of traditional models, our approach is personalized and comprehensive, empowering you to achieve optimal health through a range of services tailored to your individual needs. Our model is to assess, diagnose, and recommend an evidence-based plan of care. We provide individualized treatment to each patient, avoiding a cookie-cutter approach. Our goal is to provide high-level care and empower patients to manage their areas of concern independently. We regularly reassess to ensure that recovery is occurring.

What to Expect on Your First Visit

Your first visit to Momentum Health will involve a thorough assessment tailored to the expertise of the practitioner you are scheduled to see. Whether you're meeting with one of our chiropractors, registered massage therapists, kinesiologists, naturopathic doctors, or mental health counselors, rest assured that you will receive individualized care focused on understanding and addressing your unique health concerns.

During your initial consultation, you will provide a detailed health history, including occupational and past medical backgrounds, as well as dietary and exercise habits. We prioritize spending ample time with each patient to ensure a comprehensive understanding of your health status. Depending on your practitioner, your assessment may include physical examinations.

Following the assessment, your practitioner will discuss their findings with you, providing a clear explanation of any diagnoses and treatment recommendations. Our collaborative approach ensures that you receive the most effective care possible, drawing on the expertise of our multidisciplinary team.

How to Prepare

To make the most of your first visit to Momentum Health, please arrive on time with your online forms completed. Dress comfortably for your examination, and consider wearing attire that allows for easy movement or access to specific areas of concern. Depending on your appointment, you may want to bring along any relevant imaging reports, past blood work, or equipment for evaluation.

We look forward to welcoming you to Momentum Health and supporting you on your journey to holistic wellness. If you have any questions or need further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Momentum Health

103-1664 Richter Street,
Kelowna, BC
V1Y 8N3


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